Privacy Policy

At SoOPAK-X, we are unwavering in our dedication to delivering superior customer service. Your satisfaction and feedback are paramount to us, guiding our continuous effort to meet and exceed your expectations. Below, you will find our comprehensive policies encompassing refunds, cancellations, privacy, and our steadfast commitment to data security. Should you have any inquiries not addressed here, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out for a swift and detailed response.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Finality of Sales:

  • All transactions with SoOPAK-X are final. Each item we craft is uniquely customized, rendering it exclusive for the individual who orders it. This distinctiveness means that these items are not reusable or resalable, necessitating a strict 'no refund, no cancellation' policy.

Order Accuracy:

  • Responsibility for any errors made during ordering on our website lies with the customer. We encourage you to review your order meticulously before submission, as changes cannot be accommodated once an order is placed.

Navigation Caution:

  • Please be aware that any modifications made to your order will not be saved if you navigate away from the order page, either by returning to the home page or using the back button.

Privacy Policy

Data Collection and Usage:

  • By using SoOPAK-Xā€™s website, you acknowledge and accept our privacy policy.
  • We recommend a thorough review of our privacy policy before submitting personal information.
  • Our privacy policy may undergo changes, which will apply prospectively from the date of such updates.

Personal Information:

  • To fulfill your requests, we collect personal information, including but not limited to your name, address, email, business name, and website. This information, voluntarily provided by you, may be used for updates, communications, and newsletters.

Data Security at SoOPAK-X

Protecting Your Information:

  • We prioritize the security of your personal data. To this end, we employ reasonable measures to protect your information.
  • Access to your personal data is strictly limited to authorized SoOPAK-X personnel and contractors who have committed to confidentiality.

Information Sharing and Fraud Prevention

Limited Sharing:

  • Information collected may be shared with government agencies or external organizations solely for the purposes of fraud prevention and investigation.

Opting Out of Communications

Your Choice:

  • You have the option to unsubscribe from SoOPAK-X newsletters and emails at any time.

We Value Your Feedback

Open Communication:

  • Your opinions are important to us. If you have questions or need clarification regarding our policies, please contact us. We are dedicated to ensuring our policy page is as informative and user-friendly as possible.

Thank you for choosing SoOPAK-X and for your continued support.